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An anthology of tales of the downfall of humanity, either on Earth or among the stars.

Open to submission as of 1 May 2021 until 31 October 2021.

Writers and Artists Guidelines

Hiraeth Publishing is looking for stories and illustrations for INFRADEAD, a print anthology of tales of the downfall of humanity, either on Earth or among the stars. This anthology is tentatively scheduled to be published on 1 January 2021 in trade paperback format with a color cover, and black and white interior illustrations. The editor is Tyree Campbell.

Please note that stories written in the third person stands the best chance for acceptance.

“They” say that there are no new plots or stories anywhere. “They” may be right, but you are the only you there is, so send us a story as only you can tell it, one that’s atmospheric and highly entertaining, has fascinating characters, one that takes place in a unique location or time period.

A word about sex and extreme language: we don’t mind it, necessarily, but the sex and/or colorful language must have a purpose.

Stories for INFRADEAD must be written in English. You may use King’s English or American English [but don’t mix them in the narration, please. Characters will of course use the voice appropriate to each.]. Please use standard manuscript format: 12 pt Times New Roman, double spaced, etc. The word count of your story should be between 2,000 and 8,000 words. We will be somewhat flexible on the 8,000, but the 2,000 is pretty firm. Of course, story quality usually overrides word count limitations. Usually.

Other useful hints:

  1. Do not underline. If you want italics, use italics.

  2. Put quotation marks around your dialogue, so that we know it’s dialogue.

  3. Do not, repeat, do not use headers or footers.

  4. Your bio should include your thoughts about your writing style and what drives your stories. Of lesser interest is your favorite color of pizza. And do not include all your publishing credits, please.


Now, then:

We are looking primarily for original stories. However, we will consider reprints. If your story is a reprint, be sure to let us know when you submit it. We will want to know the name of the publication (online or in print) in which the story first appeared, and when it first appeared. Also, you must currently own the rights to the story. We likely won’t accept more than two reprints for INFRADEAD, and unpublished stories stand the best chance for acceptance.

Submit your story as a Word or rtf attachment to hiraethsubs at Be sure to put Story Submission/Infradead and the title of your story in the subject line of the e-mail. Be sure to include the following information in your e-mail: your name; your snail mail address; your Paypal address, your story’s word count; your story’s title; a statement about which rights are offered; and a brief bio written in the third person [50-100 words, more about YOU, less about where you’ve been published].

Please allow 2 months for us to respond to your submission.

Writers and Artists, please note: If you move, tell us. If you change e-mail addresses, tell us. It is your responsibility to let us know where you are so that we can communicate, as well as send your payment and contributor’s copy.

Art submissions: Interior art should be thematic, not necessarily applicable to any particular story.

Submit one black and white illustration at a time as a jpeg of less than 50K in the body of an e-mail to hiraethsubs at Be sure to put Art Submission/Infradead and the title of your illustration in the subject line of the e-mail. Be sure to include the following information in your e-mail: your name; your snail mail address; the title of your illustration; a brief bio [50-100 words, more about YOU, less about where you’ve been published].

Poetry: We are also looking for about 5 original poems related to the theme of Infradead. Submit your work either IBOE or as a word doc attachment to hiraethsubs at Be sure to include your name; your snail mail address; your Paypal address, your poem’s title; and a brief bio written in the third person [50-100 words, more about YOU, less about where you’ve been published].


In return for your accepted story or illustration, you will receive payment and one contributor’s copy of INFRADEAD, upon publication.

Pay rates for original stories: $25.00
Pay rate for reprinted stories: $10.00.

Pay rate for original poems: $5.00

Pay rate for original illustrations: $6.00 per illustration.

Contributors who live in the U.S.A. will receive checks. Contributors who live outside the U.S.A. have two payment options. One, they can receive cash in American dollars. Two, they can receive payment via PayPal. And yes, if they have a third option, we’ll listen to it.

Contributors are also eligible to buy additional copies of INFRADEAD at 25% off the cover price, plus S&H at cost.

If you have questions about this anthology or these guidelines, please contact the editor at hiraethsubs at

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